Tito The Lightbearer
Ignite with Tito Idakula
Count the Cost

Count the Cost

Being sure what God is saying and choosing to follow

When you think God is calling you to something but you are not fully sure or you are afraid, what can you do? In this episode I share practical things you can do to really get clarity when you are struggling with doubt and obedience.

I share all my struggles before decided to leave my job and things I did in that season.

I mentioned Mosope of Vishebility. You can learn more about her Here and check out Omotayo Here

This is the testimony I referred to Here

If you enjoyed this podcast please subscribe. You can be a paid subsciber or free subscriber. If you want to buy me a coffee click Here. Also kindly share this with many others and share your comments too please. THANK YOU!

Also, thank you all for the birthday love last week. It was an amazing day and I had the best time. I feel so incredibly blessed and loved by Jesus and I am just a grateful girl.

Much love,


Tito The Lightbearer
Ignite with Tito Idakula
Written words don't always feel enough so will be sharing more context to my posts through this podcast. I will also have friends stop by as we discuss everything faith and life sharing stories and uplifting each other
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Tito Idakula